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Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Heineken vs. Stella Artois: BLOG OFF!

Heineken’s Blog

Below is a link to the official Heineken Blog website:

Heineken’s blog focuses on many different aspects of the company. This can include the introduction of new products, sponsored events or even general information regarding the products that they sell. The website also includes an archive of information that had been posted on the website dating back to December 2013.


Upon announcement, Heineken also uploaded the Coachella’s 2017 lineup due to the brand being a sponsor of the massive music festival that takes place in California (United States).

Social Initiatives:

Unlike Stella Artois’, Heineken does not showcase their social initiatives as a marketing technique. The company seems to keep their initiatives in a very low aspect whether it be general partnership or expected within the market. The company posted a blog discussing the benefits of recycling. November 16th 2016 was America Recycles Day and in collaboration, the company helped raise awareness. This includes providing a link to where individuals can go to partake and the steps and overall process that is undergone. They also disclose that they will be investing $21 million dollars in support to the initiative.

Heineken’s Recycle Post:

Stella Artois’ Blog

Stella Artois does not currently have a website blog and that limits their ability to connect with their customers on a more personal level. The company is not able to speak openly to a market that may care for what the beer is made of, how many calories are within it and even the initiatives that the company may be focusing on. While the company does focus on their currently clean water campaign in collaboration with, the company would have an extended reach by posting blog posts online and linking them via their social media accounts.