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Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Heineken vs. Stella Artois: Facebook Battle!

How often does each brand post?
Upon going on the official Facebook page, I’ve noticed that Heineken is not a frequent poster with the last post being in 2015. When the account was active, the span of posts were still not consistent being anywhere between 2-4 weeks.  In comparison, Stella Artois’ last post was February 4th and the last time they updated their page was February 5th when the company had changed their header. Stella had posted frequently transitioning from daily, skipping a day up until February 5th in which they have not updated their account since.
What kind of content does each brand post?
Heineken had posted many photos and promotions regarding new products being introduced into the market. In example, they decided to introduce a new Heineken Extra Cold and promoting a contest taking place on their Instagram account. Besides those, the account actively promoted their “Embrace the Cold” campaign aimed towards Canadians. Stella Artois heavily promotes their chalices that go towards creating clean water in developing countries. During the holiday season Stella, had focused primarily on gifting and spending time with family. Both company’s posts more than often included pictures or videos.

Does each brand use the 50/50 rule?

On average, both companies did follow the 50/50 rule up until a specific period and then would revert to the same basic posts. Heineken would post an original photo, but the next two posts following it would be different, but the same. Stella Artois had different content within each post during the holiday season, but would revert to Chalice promotion starting February 4th.  I would claim that they would follow the 50/50 rule, but not to a strong enough degree.

Keyword sentences used by either brand

As Heineken’s account focuses primarily on Canadians, the posts focus on the extremes of “cold” climate. Their keyword would definite revolve around the word “cold”. “Embrace the Cold” and “Extra Cold” were found on the webpage, but I would say that the “Embrace the Cold” was more commonly found. Stella Artois had primarily focused on their Chalices being charitable donations towards getting clean water in developing countries. Many phrases and images included the following words limited-edition Chalice”, “5 years”, “clean water” and “developing”.

Which are the most successful recent posts
 The most successful recent photo by Heineken was their introduction of their new “Extra Cold” Heineken taps found at selected establishments. The post had gotten over 1300 likes, 50 shares and 40 comments. Stella Artois’ most recent successful post is their February 1st post that advertised their limited-edition chalices. The post had received over 2,200 views, 40 shares and 20 likes.

Why are these posts successful?
These posts are successful because they transitioned away from their normal posts. The introduction of a new product by Heineken allowed customers to be enticed and it’s informing them of something brand new. This is different than a contest or normal promotion of products that they’ve already tried. Stella’s post was also transitioning away from holiday season and promotions into something that was informing. It allowed customers to see that the company is taking part of social justice and they have the ability to interact and make a difference themselves too.

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