How often does each brand post?
Heineken has posted as recently as February 15th 2017th,
but does not tweet very frequently. The span of tweets go from two in February
2017 to three in January and then a major hiatus going all the way to
September. Stella Artois less frequently, but retweets more content from
affiliates and customers. This includes two retweets in February 2017, four in
January, and a couple more in the months tracing to September, the last month
in which the company had tweeted anything publically.
What kind of content does each brand posts?
Heineken’s posts primarily focused on their current “Champion” campaign
that showcases legends in their respective field. This includes professional F1
drivers and soccer players. The posts include photos and videos. Stella Artois
does not frequently post, but when they retweet frequently. When they do
retweet and tweet, the content consists of affiliates promoting Stella Artois,
or Stella Artois replying to said correspondent.
Does each brand use the 50/50 rule?
Neither Heineken or Stella Artois follow the 50/50 rule, as Heineken
posts the same photo repeatedly dating all the way back to September. When the
campaign is set in place, the company rarely uploads new photos. Stella Artois
does not follow the 50/50 rule as the company has not posted any original
content for months and when they did, it consisted primarily of promoting and
replying to affiliates.
Which are the most successful recent posts?
Heineken’s most successful recent post was related to their promotion
with 3-time World Champion F1 driver, Jackie Stewart. The post was a short 1
minute commercial reliving Jackie’s racing career all the way up until present
day. It had over 1,100 retweets and 1,300 favourites (likes) Stella Artois’
most recent successful post dates back to July 2016 in which the company had
tweeted a photo of two ladies enjoying a light meal with a 6 pack of Stella
Light. It generated over 60 retweets and 250 likes.
Why are these posts successful?
These posts are successful because they were able to gain attention
beyond their normal audience or entice their customers with something that
might not have been the usual. Heineken’s commercial was visibly enjoyable to
see a real-life situation transition into present day. Even if you are not a
Heineken customer, the commercial was interesting. Stella Artois’ provided a
link prior to the tweet and then showcased that image depicting that Stella is
considered a very lightweight beer. This reached a different audience then who
they are aiming at on different social media posts, which means they might just
be more aware of their market on Twitter vs. Facebook.
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