How often does each brand post a new video?
Heineken releases multiple videos throughout
the year. The last batch of videos was released 2 months ago and from that
point, it was a monthly occurrence with a month break in between June and
April. Stella Artois posts videos often with the last video being uploaded a
week ago. Before that was 3 weeks ago and earlier was between two or three
videos every two months. Prior to the two or three videos every two months,
they had consistently uploaded videos monthly.
What kind of video content does each brand post?
Heineken’s videos consisted primarily of commercials part of their
campaign at the time. At the current moment, they are in their “Champion”
campaign and showcase F1 drivers and Soccer players that are deemed “legends”
within their respected fields. Most of the videos released in the past 5 months
have been along those lines of advertising how cool these people are while
associating with the brand. Some of the most recent videos are showcasing
sponsored events like at Germany’s 2016 Open Air Gampel fest. Stella Artois posts
focus more on lifestyle events like cooking, art and as of right now, their
charitable campaign.
In the description area, what kind of content is included?
Both companies include descriptions of the videos, but Heineken will
leave the area very straight to the point unless the posted video is within a
series. If it is in a series, then it’ll detail the series as well. Stella
Artois will provide links to their social media, website and the companies
involved in their posts as well.
Which are your two brand’s most successful recent videos?
Heineken’s most recent successful video is a commercial that displays
how creative their marketing is. The commercial depicts how connected everyone
is and the point of the video is that you should go out and have fun in your
city. Go out tonight and have a fun time. The ending caption being “Shape your
Heineken – The Canvas
Stella Artois’ video was a short 15 second commercial, that starts with
a man brewing the beer and introducing it at a party.
Stella Artois Holiday 2016: The Delivery
Why do you think these two videos were so successful?
Heineken was very creative with the commercial and it was not focused
entirely on the product, but rather what people can do that leads up to the
purchasing of the product. Everyone is having a good time and within the video,
life is very looking very spontaneous and quirky. If people decided to go out
tonight, they might be more likely to drink and when that happens, they might
subliminally want to drink their product.
According to many of the YouTube comments, Stella Artois’ video was
heavily promoted and advertised on the YouTube site. This meant that mis-clicks
may have occurred, or general interests as they approached a wider audience.
Looking at the dislikes on the video, the latter is not suggested.
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