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Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Time to say something!

By: Daphne Faubert
Let’s get real we all have had at least one bad product in our lives and have complained at least once. But it doesn’t really help if it’s a confusing process to add a review or contact the company directly.
Having a separate customer service account could be a great model for Coors. You can also learn a lot just from the language that other companies use when they talk to people. They should try and be interactive, fun, and even playful.
 This is going to ensure that more customers are heard and that problems are dealt with in a timely fashion. It shows a great deal of care to the customers when large scale companies take the time to offer help and guidance on their products.

The best to do would be launching this initiative as fast as they can to ensure that customers are not left feeling unwell about the products and in turn never purchase from them again. The best place to promote this on would be twitter, since they do have a large following and many people air grievances on there.

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